
Tyler Wright

This is the first HTML page
that I have ever seriously attempted in my life.

That aside, I'm writing this page in hopes of not only landing a better job, but also learning a skill that I may have never learned. In essence I'm welcoming myself to the twenty first century a few months early. Granted, I'm a little behind the eight ball in terms of experience, and technical know how, but I did teach myself HTML in three days so maybe that says something about my character, determination, and ability to produce under pressure. Looking back on my last sentence, I don't really care what my actions may or may not say, I'm simply proud I've taught myself a skill I've always considered beyond my comprehension. Today I understand that nothing is beyond me, and that everything is in front of me.

Souveniers from the experience

Things I have learned/hoped thus far:
HTML is not nearly as tough as I thought it was.
Apparently I've always sold my technological abilities short.
Someone forgives my inexperience, and concentrates on my enthusiam and ability to see a job through.

My My first picture picture 1

My My second picture picture 2

My My third picture picture 3

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